Let's make the world less shitty

Sander de Klerk, The Good Roll

We are The Good Roll makers of 100% European recycled paper. Our mission: Safe and clean toilets for everyone! That is why we use 50% of our net profit to construct toilets in various countries in Africa.

This is why we roll...

The Good Roll originated from a collective frustration. There are 2.3 billion people worldwide who do not have access to safe and clean toilets, this is one third (!) of the world's population. In addition, 270,000 trees are cut down every day for the production of toilet paper.

Shocking figures if you ask us. So shocking that they inspired us to develop The Good Roll; an initiative to tackle both problems. A unique Dutch win-win concept: a 100% tree-friendly toilet roll, made from European recycled paper. At the same time, in collaboration with our foundation & Simavi, we use part of our proceeds to give as many people as possible access to safe and clean toilets.

The Good Roll

We make the world less shitty.
Sheltered workshop

In addition to being 100% environmentally-friendly, we also make a social contribution at our workplace.

We have chosen to work with government-directed sheltered workshops for a part of our production process.

This way, The Good Roll offers work and guidance to more than 75 people that in some way have difficulty entering the labour market. They may have a physical, mental or psychological disability, or they might just have had problems along the road of life. These people are offered a chance to work in circumstances that work for them.

We firmly believe that everyone can make a valuable contribution, no matter how small, to The Good Roll.

The Good Roll Foundation

The Good Roll Foundation has one goal: to make sustainable sanitation available.

Our Foundation was established to spend the money we raise through the sale of our rolls on the construction of sanitation, without making a profit in the process.

Each year, The Good Roll donates 50% of its net profit to the construction of toilets in developing countries. This is the net profit, i.e. the profit that remains after the costs incurred (personnel, office) have been deducted.

We believe in our entrepreneurship. We would like to reserve a maximum amount for the donation to our foundation and for our cooperation with SIMAVI. All for the construction of toilets. Therefore we have fixed our "overhead costs" to a maximum of 30%. If the costs exceed 20%, the extra costs will be deducted from our profit share and will not be charged to our Foundation.

In this way we remain fully focused on our mission: building toilets and improving people's lives in countries where they lack these basic facilities.

We give a shit!

Every financial year, we publish our annual financial statements. The donation goes to our Foundation, which distributes it over our own projects and for example collaborations with SIMAVI. Our impact meter shows how many toilets we have built and will build. This impact meter is therefore partly fictitious. It does, however, give a good picture of our mission, the current projects and what the counter will look like when we draw up our annual figures.

Because of our positive impact on people and the planet, The Good Roll Foundation recently received ANBI status 8588 94 178. This certificate is awarded to non-profit organisations that direct at least 90% of their efforts towards the common good.

Purchase hygiene paper for your company
Make an impact with hygiene paper

What, making an impact by purchasing The Good Roll for your business? Sure thing! With half of our net profit we build toilets in Africa. By doing this, we improve the hygiene of a lot of people in developing countries. This allows us to literally save lives. And that is not all. Our toilet paper is made out of recycled materials. So by ordering toilet paper for your business at The Good Roll, you also save trees which usually would be cut down for regular toilet paper production. And did you know that our factory in Weesp offers a workplace for people who have a distance to the labor market? We offer them a chance. No, you offer them a chance, by your clever purchase of our toilet paper. So, yes. Your business could make a serious, positive impact by buying toilet paper.

Corporate social responsibility with The Good Roll

Give some weight to your promise of corporate social responsibility. Show that you are really socially concerned, that you care for your fellow human and that our nature is close to your heart. Our mission is easy: clean and safe toilets for everyone. And you can contribute to this, by simply buying toilet paper for your business at The Good Roll. It is needed badly. Because did you know that worldwide 3,6 billion people do not have acces to clean sanitation? That accounts for 45% of the world’s population. That should and could be different. Just like the huge deforestation taking place to produce toilet paper. Let’s take our corporate social responsibility together. Let’s make impact together!

5.000 toilets in 2028

Become part of our community. Together, we will realize our mutual ambition: safe and clean toilets for everyone. We strive to build at least 5000 toilets before 2028 and improve 1,5 million lives. The first steps have been made! We have already built 240 toilets and improved 10.500 lives. Look, those are clear numbers. We continually make our impact measurable. No vague promises and hollow slogans, but clear language and concrete figures. Like the number of toilets we build, the trees we save and the jobs we create. Let’s make the world less shitty.

Strengthen your brand with responsible hygiene paper

At The Good Roll you don’t just buy toilet paper for your business. You buy a societal promise. As part of our community, this promise is now also yours, that of your organization. After all, we carry the mission to make the world less shitty together. Strengthen your brand values and substantiate your vision. A win-win. We appreciate your contribution, you have a strong story for your associates and you do good for a better world, but most of all we make impact together! And all that with hygiene paper. Good story, don’t you think?

Support SDG

Another nice certificate to put on your website when you buy The Good Roll paper for your business. SDG is an abbreviation for Sustainable Development Goals. These are goals that have been put together by the United Nations. They are meant as guidelines to create a sustainable world before 2030. And sure enough, as a partner of The Good Roll you contribute to that target. Yeah, those are goals!

Supply of paper and hygiene products for your business

We supply all kinds of products for companies and wholesalers. Several kinds of toilet paper, made of recycled materials: jumbo rolls, compact rolls, rolls with cap, coreless rolls and bulk packs. For every company and every wholesaler the perfect toilet roll to buy big. And then you have our other hygiene products: different kinds of cleaning paper, paper towels and hand soap. And of course our dispensers. Again: in several styles and sizes. We run large volumes. Large consumption means a large impact. So what are you waiting for? Come on with your business order!

Nice story… and now?

Ordering our toilet paper for your business is easy. Download our brochure, without obligation. Make a business account on the right-hand side of this page. Or contact us directly through email. You could also give us a ring, of course. Be welcome with The Good Roll.

And oh yes, we were not only ISO-9001 and -14001 certified earlier this year, but also B Corp! In addition, we were recently nominated for the Dutch Coolest Brands and we have just won the NL Shopping Award for the best website in the field of drugstore products.

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