Promote your product or service

Do you have a sustainable or holistic product or do you offer a service that meets this requirement? Are you looking for ways to connect with your fans, build ambassadorship with your fans and would you like to collaborate with like minded colleagues? Then our marketplace is the place to be for you!

Start quick scan

Start today with a free account!

You will receive your own 'Striber page' so that you can promote your product or service within our impact community. Here you can tell the vision and mission of your company, but also upload vlogs and blogs that are relevant to your business, so that you build a real connection with your fans. This valuable content is linked to the marketplace and vice versa, so that the products and/ or services you offer contain more content and value, so that your reach and turnover are increased.

Free 'My Stribe' account
  • Your own 'Striber page', a page that increases the value of your products and/ or services
  • Free introduction videos about the use and value of My Stribe
  • Best impact community ever!
Most chosen 'Community'
  • My Stribe account + all mentioned benefits
  • Network of impact entrepreneurs
  • Video call/ webinar and chat function, complete privacy
  • Free learnings, masterminds + discounts on training and events
  • Free introduction videos about the use and value of the Community
  • Most chosen!
799 euros p.a.* (incl. VAT)
Go for complete 'Academy'
  • My Stribe & Community account + all mentioned benefits
  • Full access to all training
  • Both personal and business and investment training
  • Free introduction videos about the use and value of Academy
  • Physical product value = €2500+
  • Content value = €500.000+
  • Available from 2021
2199 euros p.a.* (incl. VAT)

How it works

1. do the quick scan

To get a good idea of ​​who you are, what you do and what your idea or company entails, we ask you to do the quick scan. Here are some basic questions asked so that we can see if your product or service is suitable to promote within our impact community.

2. we will review your application

If we find your application suitable for Stribe, we will contact you. In preparation, you will receive an overview by email, which information we want to receive from you, so that we can finalize the registration and offer your products and/ or services to our community via our marketplace.

3. we will contact you

After your registration, we plan an online intake interview, so that we can get to know each other and thus follow the needs of our community members as closely as possible. We believe in a personal approach that matches your personal needs.

4. you are a striber now

Welcome to our impact community! As a striber you can choose a free 'My Stribe' account, a 'Community' of an 'Academy' account. View the various options below and contact us if you have any questions.

* We pay a fixed percentage of each sold subscription to the charity: Kenya Child Care Foundation.

We believe that we do not only want to offer products and/ or services that contribute to a better world for all of us. We also strongly believe in the philosophy to financially support those who need us the most. That is why our choice fell on the 'Kenya Child Care foundation'.


At a glance

You get from us

💚 A free account with your own 'Striber page' so you can promote your product or service within our impact community. That is a page that increases the value of your products and/ or services within our marketplace. This combination together creates a win-win situation, more reach, turnover and fans!

You get from us

💚 A community of like-minded people, free learnings and many other options, so that you get the desired effectiveness from your entrepreneurship.

You get from us

💚 An academy in which you will find all the ins and outs, to enrich your knowledge optimally so that you learn to do business more successfully and realize the ultimate version of your company.


Live your life with passion and succes!



frequently asked questions

Stribe is an impact community where entrepreneurs, investors and consumers connect with each other. Are you looking for sustainable consumer products, impact investment options, or do you want to be successful in every area of your life? Join the Stribe!
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Read more about the Stribe team

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